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Colourful History

Documents and books can only convey family histories in fragments; right when history is published, new family lines pop up, children are born and the elderly pass away. Nevertheless, it is vital to establish a base as these resources, recorded by our ancestors in writing, give reason to rejoice for generations to come.

This answers in part the question of our origins. Quickly we become curious: What were the professions of our ancestors and where did they live? The memories of aunts and uncles, who lived before, are not passed on in writing. This knowledge is often brought back to life again and passed on at family reunions and similar gatherings.

The first printed genealogy of the three related families “Roser-Veil-Ploucquet“ was published in 1887, edited by Fritz Veil, and reissued in 1897. It was published as a book in 1926 and republished with an addendum in 1929, strengthening the family bonds and family awareness.


"Geschichte der drei verwandten Familien Roser-Veil-Ploucquet" (The History of the related Families Roser-Veil-Ploucquet), 1926, Stuttgart -  out of print.

"Erster Nachtrag zur Geschichte der drei verwandten Familien Roser-Veil-Ploucquet" (First addendum to the history of the three related families Roser-Veil-Ploucquet), 1929- out of print

- "Die Nachkommen des Regierungsrats Carl Fr. Feuerlein" (The descendants of councillor Carl Fr. Feuerlein), 1966, Oberndorf.
- "Die Nachkommen des Regierungsrats Carl F. Feuerlein" (The descendants of councillor Carl Fr. Feuerlein), 1966. Edited and republished by Andreas Abel, Braunschweig 2007.

Roser, Wilfried: "Stammbäume der Nachfahren von Bastian Roser" (Genealogy of the descendants of Bastian Roser), typewritten and duplicated, 1985-1992.

Veil, Peter: Database and continuation of the genealogy, Uhingen, possibly accessible by contacting him.

Saur, Erwin und Gisela: "Datensammlung und Stammbaumfortschreibungen der Ploucquetfamilien" (Database and continuation of the genealogy of the Ploucquet-family), Heidenheim, possibly accessible by contacting them.

Genealogy as a book

"Roser-Veil-Ploucquet Nachfahren Familienbuch 2000" (The descendants of Roser-Veil-Ploucquet, Family book 2000)
Size DIN A4, 560 pages, hardback.
Published in May 2000, contains all collected data up to the end of 1999, also including the data from earlier genealogies. -out of print

Annual publications

- "Familienchronik Roser-Veil-Ploucquet" (The Roser-Veil-Ploucque family chronicles), annually.
- "Mitteilungen des Familienverbands Feuerlein" (News from the Feuerlein family association), annually.
FaLang translation system by Faboba
